SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimisation. This is the practice of making your website easy to use and to find on search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Although SEO has been around for as long as websites exist there are still many website owners that have not optimised their websites and that is why they are not getting as much traffic as they hope.

The first step is to determine what keywords are important for your business. What words do people type into Google to find products or services that your business can offer? Once you have that do keyword research to determine whether those are the best keywords or whether there are similar keywords that will be more beneficial. Essentially you want to use keywords that many people use. But be careful of choosing keywords made up of only one word. These types of keywords are very competitive and it can take you a long time to rank on these ones. Select long tailed keywords, that is, where it is made up of two or three words. For example, the term SEO on its own is considered as one word which is quite vague and there are many websites that will use this word. But rather select SEO Johannesburg which is made up of two words and is more specific. In this case the area makes it more specific so the website will be able to rank higher in the searches.

The next step would be to add those keywords to your website. It needs to be added to the metatags and meta description of every page on your website. It should also be added into the body content. The content should be made up of about 400 to 500 words because search engines like Google want a lot of content. The idea is that more content is more information. This information allows visitors to make more informed decisions about the products and services on the website they are visiting. It also means that the website is more trustworthy. And that is what you want, for the visitor to trust your website enough in order to make contact with you and to eventually complete a deal.

Another important step is to build links. Don’t try to buy hundreds of links to gain popularity with Google. Google will punish you by shutting down your website. Rather attempt this task on a monthly basis and do it manually. Find online business directories on which you can add your site link. Add one or two a month and grow your backlinks in this way.

Finally, search engines believe that when company’s update their website regularly like on a monthly basis then those companies are still actively trading. If they don’t see any updates, they think the company is no longer active. This is not good. So a good way to remain active is by adding articles or blogs to your website every month. But make sure that you have a keyword included in that article. Also submit your article to online articles sites that allow you to add a link back to your site.

This should form part of your SEO strategy if you want to get more traffic to your site.

Web2Go brings forth a wealth of knowledge in website design, website development, social media management, search engine optimisation, Google advertising, bulk email and cloud solutions. We stay up-to-date with current market trends, therefore we can provide our clients with the best service possible. Contact us to Stay Ahead of the Game! Call 087 654 3344 or email